About Us

How can uncertainty become a platform for possibility and hope?

Emergent Futures CoLab (EFC) is a laboratory for transdisciplinary experimentation and collaborative future-making. Our goal is to mobilize knowledge and build activist solidarities that transcend scholarly and artistic boundaries. This includes mapping out future-oriented practices, methodologies, tactics and modes-of-being adapted by individuals and communities around the world.

InitiativesVisionCore Team & AdvisorsFull List of Members


This transnational collective emerged in March 2020, after the COVID-19 pandemic instigated the cancellation of Urgent-Emergent 2020, York University’s Theatre & Performance Studies graduate student conference. 

EFC members seek to address the sense that
urgent action must be taken in response to events
that are currently emerging and shaping our worlds. As our political, economic and environmental futures become increasingly uncertain, we are concerned with what it means to research, create art and take action in this climate of felt urgency. 


In times of radical uncertainty, it has become especially urgent to imagine differently by studying and speculating emergent futures and socialities.

We envision a community of practice that maps out such collaborative methodologies and builds solidarity in order to shift our collective focus towards urgent action.

We aim to learn from and engage with indigenous, ecological, human/non-human, feminist, queer, critical race, ageing and disability theories, ontologies and futuremaking practices.

Our goal is to mobilize divergent ways of knowing, imagining and researching to act now.

Group of people of various ability levels


We work with people and communities who imagine and speculate emergent futures and socialities. We are interested in collaborative projects that take different forms, such as a digital app, a community website, an accessible and inclusive technology, a stage performance, a video game, a film, a community-led or entrepreneurial initiative, advocacy efforts, and new pedagogies.

Talking Uncertainty

Core Team

We welcome members from various fields to join our collective. Full list of members can be found here.
